It's been exactly one week since we launched Rebuilding CosmicKIDS- a fundraising campaign designed to overcome unexpected financial setbacks and launch us forward into an exciting new fiscal year of growth-- with some big goals and projects.
I say "we" because none of this would have been possible without the support of a few key people prior to launch: Lucy Beazley, Adrienne Hancik, Itta Aswad and Rachel Saffel... You are the brightest lights in the darkest night. Thank you.
The 'we before me' mentality was what initiated this project turned business and aspiring nonprofit. It continues now with your support, which gives me so much energy to keep going.
Wow did you all step up! I have been blown away by how quickly and generously you have responded with your kind donations and loving words. Thank you! We are so touched.
$3,275 in 7 days from 16 donors! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!
Only $725 more to go to unlock our goal.

If you missed it, or haven't been able to donate yet, please read below and consider donating.
Even $10 helps. If you're not able to give, I understand. Please share.
Friends, I am stepping out of my comfort zone to ask for help. Please help me grow CosmicKIDS... This campaign supports relief for inner city children who deeply need self-expression, regulation and normalization: essential skills as they navigate an increasingly complex reality. Your support means that children like Charlie, Arriahna, Nanami, eager and hardworking artists, experience how cultivating creativity is synonymous with developing essential aspects of the self, like resiliency and awareness. 

By supporting this campaign you are supporting me and my mission of directly impacting over 120 CosmicKIDS to have sustained access to meaningful arts curricula that instill character development. Value rich learning is extremely important in early childhood education, especially in major metropolitan areas like the Bay Area. Why now?... Recent financial set-backs: Four weeks ago, my car was broken into in broad daylight. Laptop, planner, notebooks, art supplies, research materials, and a whole lot of trust, flew out the window in the three minutes it took me to buy dry erase markers…catapulting CosmicKIDS into a chaotic new fiscal year as I ramp up for bigger contracts in SF and Oakland.

We're in the hole and we need your help getting out! With the help of credit cards and a few generous clients, I have begun the slow and costly process of rebuilding on a freelance income. Repair budget has hit $5k and insurance has only covered $700. The financial set backs have significantly impacted my kiddos and CosmicKIDS’ future growth. Without your support, it would take me a minimum of two years to get back on track. How we will use your help: We need supplies; we need support— we need donations from caring people like you!
Help us blast off to new horizons with some new supplies and new workbooks!

Your funds will cover the cost of replacing my computer, allow me to replace stolen supplies and free up a few hundred dollars to self-publish my existing (and extremely popular) Elements of heART curriculum while I pioneer a new curriculum for the Spring. This will increase access to the program for the 30+ kids on the waiting list as well as open the option to provide more classes in the Spring. Additionally, pursuit of non-profit status will be possible with your financial support. I am exploring fiscal sponsorship to become an official non-profit in the Spring with one of my current non-profit partners ASEP in the Mission District in SF. ASEP is an incredible organization whose unique service model provides holistic education and empowerment to both low income and affluent families serving as a bridge between them to unify a rapidly changing community.

If you are able to donate, ANYTHING is helpful and amazing. No amount is too small. If you’re not in a place to support financially, I understand… Spread the word! Please help me bring transformative growth, one CosmicKID at a time. Thanks for taking the time to read!